Whisker Chatter

Back to School Thank Yous!

We need to send a huge thank you to Keith Davitt, a wonderful artist who sent us a really neat water feature for the cat enclosure. Now the kitties can have their Zen time! :)

Many thanks to Valerie Miller, who sent us a very generous donation in memory of her late kitty, Holly. Holly crossed the Rainbow Bridge this summer. We know she will be loved and missed. Thank you Valerie and Holly!

We’d also like to thank Skip Freeman for his continuous support and friendship to Duncan’s Place and the kitties!!

Adopt a kitty today–who else is going to eat your homework for you?

End of Summer DP News

The Linnea Foundation gave us a very nice donation. Thank you Opal, Andrea, Rose!!!

Thank you also to Don Carrol–he designed and built our cat enclosure and our shed for storing our food pantry, Dudley’s Delectables. The supplies were generously donated by Home Depot.

We got a nice check from the CSU cat care conference, which will help pay our kitties’ medical bills!

Jan and Bob Link gave us a great donation in memory of their Lucy, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge last month. :(

Cats Rule sent us a box of their great litter mats for the kitties. These mats really do work and keeps litter scatter down to a minimum, highly recommended!

We have a limited edition t-shirt coming out. These have been designed and donated by our new foster family, the Corteses. :)

We will be at the Pets and Vets expo at the Loveland Outlets September 18.

We are planning some fun group events:

Popovich Comedy Pet Theater tickets are $14, $12 or $8. If Duncan’s Place has a group of at least 10, we can get the $14 seats for $10 each. Group tickets go on sale beginning August 23 and require full payment at the time of purchase. Seating is assigned, so we would all sit together.